The other day at work I mentioned that I had yet to see a moose since I moved here. And lo and behold, on Wednesday one of my co-workers grabbed me to show me that in the wooded area next to our parking lot there were 3 mooses. There were two bulls and a cow, just lying in the snow bank and completely unpeturbed by the traffic or the people. It was of course the one day that I did not have my camera with me. I tried to get a picture with my phone, but it you can't see anything.
I continue to drive to work in the dark every AM, but at least I now where I am going and I don't get those butterflies in my stomach on my way in. I am still the old lady driver - I drive slowly and get passed by these drivers who don't seem to care at all what the posted speed limit is or the fact that the intersections remain covered with ice. I have discovered that if I leave work at 4:45 or a little earlier, there is still just a tiny bit of daylight left to drive home with. The sunset plays off the mountains and the angle of the light is different, but I really can't seem to express how. Lately, the moon has been out and in the twilight it hangs over the mountains that are just visible. They are purple but not as dark as the sky. The sun is on the opposite horizon and the sky glows pink and orange. Really just a beautiful site with the moon glowing above them.
This weekend was still full of the mundane chores. I finally did get out to walk the dogs. It was 10 AM and the sun was finally out although the temperature was not above 6 degrees. As I was getting ready to go out Steve yells out to look at the window - so I did and this is what I saw
This is right out in the front yard. There were actually two of them and this is the larger of the two. The smaller one is all ready in the neighbors yard. So I went outside and from a safe difference away I took the following photos. The moose(s ?) were about 50 feet away from me.
As the moose walked away I finally took Riley and Rosey out for their walk. We went down about two driveways and Rosey had had enough. I think the snow was icing up in her paws so I took her back to the house and Riley and I continued on. This is what I saw at the first cross street.
I knew the mountains were visible from where we live because if I cock my head just right I can sort of see them from my backdoor. It looks like this
If you peek through the trees you can just make out the outline of the mountains.
I also got a better picture of the lake that I knew was down the street. I got just one shot before my batteries dies.
I did pass a little park that had a sign on it talking about leaving the loons alone. So I guess that means there are loons around here. I have never seen a loon before, so I guess that is one more thing to look for.
We went out yesterday and got our Charlie Brown tree. It's just a tabletop version and I decorated it with colored jingle bells and a paper angel on top. Just a little Christmas cheer and it helps to bring the season into the home with us.
Today is my beloved husband's 52nd birthday. Happy Birthday honey. There is a pot roast in the crockpot and a pie yet to be made. The house is staying at 68 degrees (with the thermostat set on 72) and we are warm and snug. There is an inch of ice on the windowsill in my bedroom that I am slowly thawing out. Maybe then I can finish dusting it.
Until next week...
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